



简 介:方莉,女,博士,beat365官方网站教授,博导,beat365官方网站本科教学督导委员会委员。曾赴英国卡迪夫大学、美国凯斯西储大学、犹他大学和伍斯特理工学院进行访学交流。近年来,主持和参与国家重点基金、山西省重点基金、山西省科技重大专项、中央引导地方资金项目等多项科研项目,发表学术论文60余篇,授权国家发明专利10余件。目前为Fuel, Appl. Catal. B-Environ., Mater. Sci. Eng. C, Powder Technol., ACS Appl. Energy Mater., ACS Appl. Nano Mater., Mater. Chem. Phys., Int. J. Hydrogen Energy等期刊的审稿人。


2015/12-今,      beat365官方网站,beat365官方网站,教授



2007/04-2017/05, beat365官方网站,beat365官方网站,副院长








讲授课程:物理化学、高等物理化学、英语科技论文写作、Interface and Colloid Chemistry


[1] 高性能镁水泥基声屏障材料研发及示范, 中央引导地方资金项目(科技成果转移转化),YDZJSX2022C001, 70万元,2022.5-2025.5,在研

[2] 新型镁基粉煤灰多孔吸声材料的制备及表面改性技术,山西省黄河实验室科技攻关项目,YRL202107,25万元,2021.10-2023.10,在研

[3] 新型特种橡胶的研发及在耐高温、阻燃输送带中的产业化应用,山西省科技重大专项项目,20181102004,350万元,2019.1-2021.12,已结题

[4] 柴达木盐湖化工科学研究联合基金集成项目,盐湖镁资源的有效利用与产品工程(子课题),U1707603,145.8万元,2018.1-2021.12,已结题

[5] 山西省自然科学基金重点项目,典型煤基固废高值化利用过程中的关键技术及机理,2014011003,2014/01-2016/12,20万元,已结题

[6] 山西省科技创新项目,新型多功能外墙装饰材料的关键技术开发与应用,2014101011,2014/01-2016/12,120万元,已结题


[1] Zhenzhen Jia, Lihao Zhang, Li Fang*, Yanxia Guo, Fangqin Cheng*. Effect of seed emulsion on the early hydration behavior of basic magnesium sulfate cement. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 383, 131316.

[2] Dongdong Zhou, Li Fang*, Mingjiang Tao, Zhiping Du, Fangqin Cheng*.  Preparation and surface modification of magnesium-based sound absorbing materials via a low-temperature vapor deposition. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2023,121, 40–44.

[3] Dongdong Zhou, Li Fang*, Zhiping Du, Fangqin Cheng* Yunshan Han, Zhi Cheng. Preparation, properties of foamed basic magnesium sulfate cements and their foaming mechanisms with different activators. Journal of Building Engineering, 2022, 50, 104202.

[4] Zhenzhen Jia, Li Fang*, Yanxia Guo, Xianggui Kong, Xiaodong Lei*. Synergistic Immobilization of Chloride Ions by Metakaolin and Calcined Hydrotalcite in Basic Magnesium Sulfate Cement. Journal of Building Engineering. 2022, 53, 104524.

[5] Xin Li, Ruifang Qiu, Fangbin Xue, Li Fang*, Fangqin Cheng*. Effects of Unreactive MgO and Impurities in Light Burned MgO on the Hydration Process and Performance of Base Magnesium Sulfate Cement, Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 240, 117854.

[6] Qiaozhen Yang*, Xuetao Gao, Li Fang, Shaobo Zhang, Fangqin Cheng*. Controllable crystal growth of Mg(OH)2 hexagonal flakes and their surface modification using graft polymerization, Advanced Power Technology, 2021, 32(7), 2634-2644.

[7] Dongdong Zhou, Hongyu Gao, Hongqiang Liao*, Li Fang, Fangqin Cheng. Enhancing the performance of foam concrete containing fly ash and steel slag via a pressure foaming process. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 329, 129664.

[8] Li Fang*, Leixin Hou, Yuhao Zhang, Yongkang Wang, Guanghong Yan, Synthesis of highly hydrophobic rutile titania-silica nanocomposites by an improved hydrolysis co-precipitation method, Ceramics International, 2017, 43: 5592-5598

[9] Li Fang*, Xuemei Luo, Surin Saipanya*, Xiaoping Huang, Feifei Li, Preparation of Pt/ATO Catalysts for Electrocatalysis in Direct Alcohol Fuel Cell, Chiang Mai Journal of Science, 2016; 43(1): 169-175

[10] Gaixia zhang, Feifei Li, Li Fang*, Surface molecularly imprinted electrochemical sensor for phenol based on SiO2 nanoparticles, RSC Advances, 2016, 6: 56936-56943

[11] Jinlu He, Li Fang*, Controllable Synthesis of Reduced Graphene Oxide, Current Applied Physics, 2016, 16: 1152-1158

[12] Li Fang, Francisco J Vidal-Iglesias, Sharon E Huxter, Gary A Attard*, Peter B Wells, RhPt/graphite catalysts for CO electrooxidation: Performance of mixed metal and alloyed surfaces, Surface Science, 2015, 631: 258-266

[13] Li Fang*, Jinlu He, Surin Saipanya*, Xiaoping Huang, Preparation of Rh5@Ptx/C Core-Shell Nanoparticles for Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Ethanol, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2015,10: 5350-5357

[14] Li Fang, Xiaofang Duan, Rongming Chen, Fangqin Cheng*, An effective utilization of the slag from acid leaching of coal-waste: Preparation of water glass with a low-temperature co-melting reaction, Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, 2014, 64(8): 887-893

[15] 张少博,方莉*,高雪焘,程文婷. 碱式硫酸镁晶须生长过程中不同离子的影响机理. 化工学报, 2021, 72(6): 3031-3040.

[16] 周冬冬, 方莉, 杨巧珍, 邱瑞芳, 程芳琴*. 碱式硫酸镁多孔吸声材料的可控制备及性能研究. 化工学报, 2021, 72(6): 3041-3052.

[17] 侯磊鑫,方莉*,闫光红,王永康,超疏水金红石型纳米钛硅复合氧化物的制备与表征,化工学报,2017,68(1):444~451

[18] 侯磊鑫,方莉*,超疏水性表面的制备及应用进展,化学通报,2016,799(10):897~904


[1] 方莉, 张少博, 程文婷, 程芳琴. 一种高长径比碱式硫酸镁晶须及其制备方法. 中国发明专利. 专利号: 202111416758.X. 授权日期: 2022.12.20.

[2] 方莉, 周冬冬, 杨巧珍, 程芳琴. 改性聚苯乙烯-镁水泥复合保温材料的制备方法. 中国发明专利. ZL202110026956.9. 授权日期: 2022.02.23.

[3] 方莉,贾真真,雷帅帅,程芳琴,雷晓东,孔祥贵. 一种镁水泥中高效固定氯离子的方法. 中国发明专利. ZL202111050421.1. 授权日期: 2022.03.09.

[4] 方莉, 周冬冬, 程芳琴, 王琪, 李鑫, 赵鑫. 一种改性硫酸镁水泥及其制备方法. 中国发明专利. ZL201811491584.1. 授权日期: 2021.05.14.

[5] 方莉, 周冬冬, 程芳琴. 一种轻质高强碱式硫酸镁发泡保温材料及其制备方法. 中国发明专利. ZL201911077431.7. 授权日期: 2020.12.25.

[6] 程芳琴, 方莉, 周冬冬, 何建宽, 贾真真. 一种表面疏水改性镁基粉煤灰多孔吸声材料及其制备方法. 中国发明专利. ZL202111050430.0. 授权日期: 2022.06.14.

[7] 程芳琴,方莉,杨凤玲,段晓芳,利用煤矸石提铝废渣制备可溶性硅酸钠的方法,中国发明专利. ZL201210452429.5. 授权日期: 2014.6.18.

[8] 郭彦霞,方莉,程芳琴,崔莉,燕可洲,李瑶瑶,一种从粉煤灰中提取氧化铝和白炭黑的方法,中国发明专利. ZL201310038565.4. 授权日期: 2014.6.18.

[9] 方莉,黄小平,魏保利,王小丽,闫光红,建筑用玉米淀粉胶粘剂及其制备方法,中国发明专利. 201110192298.7. 授权日期: 2013.4.24.
